Mappa del sito
- Transfer Pricing: The IRS Remains Vigilant
- IRS Issues Proposed Regulations Eliminating the FATCA Withholding Tax on Certain Sales Proceeds
- IRS Payment Delay
- Families First Coronavirus Response Act
- Covid-19: Small Business Relief
- IRS Delays Due Date Until July 15, 2020 in Addition to Payments
- Il Presidente Trump firma il CARES Act
- CARES Act Paycheck Protection Program
- CARES Act Paycheck Protection Program Update
- Corporate Transparency Act
- Inflation Reduction Act
- Tax Reporting Rules for Controlled Foreign Corporations
- U.S. Supreme Court Adopts Economic Presence Standard in Landmark State Sales Tax Case
- Tax Alert - Individuals
- Tax Alert - Tax Reform Impact on Income Tax Accounting
- The American Taxpayer Relief Act and Its Impact
- States Expanding Tax Return Filing Requirements
- 2010 Tax Incentive Acts
- FIN 48 (FASB Interpretation No. 48 - Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes)
- New Italy-U.S. Tax Treaty Enters into Force
- U.S. Transfer Pricing Planning and Documentation
- "FATCA" Withholding on Payments to Foreign Persons
- FBAR Reporting: Proposed Regulations
- Employer Reporting of Health Coverage for Calendar Year 2015
- Internal Revenue Code 385 Debt/Equity Regulations
- U.S. Tax Reform - International Corporate Tax Provisions: The Good, the Bad, and the Extremely Complex
- U.S. Tax Reform - Selected Domestic Corporate Tax Provisions
- Corporate Transparency Act - Implementation is Fast Approaching
Tax Notes International
- Italy Enacts Major Changes in International Taxation with the 2000 Tax Bill, Tax Notes International
- Italy:2004 Year in Review, Tax Notes International
- EU Legal Entity Subject to Transfer Pricing Rules, Italy Says, Tax Notes International
- Tax Authorities Accept Soccer Team's Hardship Compromise, Tax Notes International
- UK Domicile Rules: An Italian Perspective, Tax Notes International
- Finance Ministry Addresses Foreign PE Taxation, Tax Notes International
- CFC Rules Don't Apply to Affiliate, Revenue Agency Says, Tax Notes International
- News Analysis: Where is the Italian Treaty? Tax Notes International
- Italy - Year in Review, Tax Notes International
- Ruling Extends Income Tax Breaks to Landmark Property Owners, Tax Notes International
- An Italian Investor's Perspective on the U.S. Accumulated Earnings Tax, Tax Notes International
- ECJ to Determine Characterization of Italy's IRAP, Tax Notes International
- Italy Clarifies Participation Exemption Regime for New Corporate Income Tax, Tax Notes International
- Overview of the Italian Tax System for U.S. Investors, Tax Notes International
- Languishing Italy-U.S. Tax Treaty Would Revise Mutual Agreement Procedure Tax Notes International
- Relief from Double Taxation Under the New Italy-U.S. Tax Treaty, Tax Notes International
- Residence and Tie-Breaker Provisions Under the Pending Italy-U.S. Tax Treaty, Tax Notes International
- The Saving Clause of Pending U.S.-Italy Tax Treaty, Tax Notes International
- Private Pension Taxation Under the New Italy-U.S. Income Tax Treaty, Tax Notes International
- Italy's Domestic Definition of Permanent Establishment, Tax Notes International
- The Interest Article under the Pending US-Italy Treaty, Tax Notes International
- U.S. Ruling Could Affect Italian Partnerships with U.S. Branch Offices, Tax Notes International
- U.S. Revenue Ruling Changes Residency Test for Italian Dual-Resident Corporations, Tax Notes International
- U.S. State Tax Traps for Italian Investors, Tax Notes International
- Government Prohibits Compound Interest on Tax Overpayments, Tax Notes International
- Guidance Explains Partial Deduction of Regional Tax for Corporations, Tax Notes International
- U.S. Deferral of Losses from Hedging Transactions within an Italian Controlled Group, Tax Notes International
- News Analysis: Court Reverses on Application of Penalties for Abusive Transactions
- News Analysis: The Fine Print in Italy's New Flat Tax on Rental Income
- Tax Authorities Rule on VAT Recovery Mechanism for PEs
- Italy Introduces Tax on Foreign Real Estate
- New Tax Targets Individuals With Foreign Financial Assets
- Changes to Italy's Net Operating Loss Carryover Rules
- Tax Guidance Targets Foreign Real Estate
- Cooperative Compliance Program Targets Large Taxpayers
- New Rules for Entertainment Expenses Take Effect, Tax Notes International
- Large-Case Audit Program Introduced, Tax Notes International
- Accounting Group Interprets Rules On Postmerger NOLs, Tax Notes International
- Italian-U.S. Dual-Resident Corporations and the 1999 Italy-U.S. Tax Treaty, Tax Notes International
- Multitier Structure Not Subject to CFC Regime, Agency Rules, Tax Notes International
- Ruling Addresses Taxability of San Marino Company’s Income, Tax Notes International
- Improving the Economic Performance Test for Italy's Tax Accounting Rules, Tax Notes International
- The 1984 Italy-U.S. Tax Treaty - Who Said You Can't Teach an Old Dog New Tricks?, Tax Notes International
- Distributions by U.S. REITs Under the Italy-U.S. Tax Treaty - Dividends or Capital Gains?, Tax Notes International
- Parliament to Consider Windfall Profit Tax on Oil Companies, Tax Notes International
- Family's Usufruct Arrangement Isn't Taxable, Revenue Agency Rules, Tax Notes International
- 2008 Year in Review, Tax Notes International
- Law Expands Banks' Bad Debt Deduction
Il Fisco
- Esportazioni italiane negli Usa: la riduzione dei dazi doganali tramite il "first sale" Il Fisco n. 32/2011
- Applicabilità dei principi di tassazione internazionale al commercio elettronico, Il Fisco n.1/1998
- Problematiche derivanti dall'abrogazione dell'esclusione dalla base imponibile dei redditi da lavoro dipendente prestato all'estero, Il Fisco n.36/1998
- Rapporti Italia-Stati Uniti - procedure per l'applicazione dei benefici interni e convenzionali, Il Fisco n.39/1999
- Prezzi di trasferimento, procedura amichevole, e rettifiche collaterali, Il Fisco n.40/1999
- La branch profits tax nel nuovo Trattato Italia-USA, Il Fisco n.13/2000
- Advance pricing agreements-Le nuove raccomandazioni OCSE, Il Fisco n.25/2000
- La riduzione delle ritenute alla fonte nella Convenzione Italia-USA, Il Fisco n.8/2001
- La procedura amichevole e l'arbitrato nella Convenzione tra Italia e Stati Uniti contro le doppie imposizioni, Il Fisco n.48/2002
- La tassazione delle pensioni e delle renumerazioni analoghe nella nuova Convenzione Italia-USA, Il Fisco, n.43/2003
- Convenzione Italia-USA e tassazione in assenza di stabile organizzazione, Il Fisco n.48/2006
- Imposte differite e rilevazione in bilancio dei benefici fiscali incerti, Il Fisco n. 19/2007
- L'impatto delle normative Usa sales tax sulle imprese italiane esportatrici di beni e servizi negli Usa, Il Fisco n. 45/2018
Miscellaneous Publications
- Le mani del fisco sull'e-commerce scatta la lotta mondiale all'evasione - La Repubblica
- E-commerce in Usa, attenti alle norme fiscali, Milano Finanza - Ed. Nazionale
- La nuova Convenzione Italia-Canada, Fondazione Telos
- Fiscalità Internazionale - Società Bilancio e Contabilità
- L'Espansione delle Attività Imprenditoriali All'Estero - Società Bilancio e Contabilità
- Novità Fiscali e Societarie dai Paesi del Mondo - Informazioni Aziendali e Professionali
- Novità Fiscali e Societarie, Tassazione e Investimenti All'Estero - Le Società Nella Comunità Europea
- I Redditi Prodotti All'Estero e Trattamento Fiscale - Le Società nella Comunità Europea